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August Meeting tomorrow night

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2023 5:05 pm
by soldierboots
Dear Conservatives,

Our meeting for August will be held this Thursday, August 24th in the meeting room at 408 N Sacaton Street, the same room we have the AZRA Meeting, doors open at 5:30 and the meeting starts at 6PM. Please come and bring a friend.

Speakers will be Brad Miller, and Pete Sabin. Brad will be running for County Attorney and Pete will be seeking a County Supervisor seat. We will also have one more candidate that will be announced at the meeting. We also will start our series on the Constitution starting with the first Amendment.

We’ll have the 50/50 raffle with the winner receiving half the money collected. The other half will be given back in gift cards and shirts and hats. Remember wearing the club shirts gets a free raffle ticket.

God Bless America