June Meet-up

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June Meet-up

Post by soldierboots »

Fellow Conservatives,

We will have a meet-up Thursday, June 22 at Bostons Pizza, 804 N Cacheries in Casa Grande. Seating will start at 5PM with meeting starting at 6.

We will have the 50/50 Raffle with all money being returned in prizes to the lucky number holders. The speakers will be a surprise to all of you 😉

This meeting is for members and guests. We will be discussing important subjects that will be determined by each of you. Please show up and bring a friend. What happens at this meeting will help determine the groups direction and focus up to 2024.

Again it’s very important we have your participation at this meeting. There will be at least one call to action discussed. Let Xenia know if you’re attending 209-598-9616 or email at Xenia279@gmail.com.

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