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Post by soldierboots »

CFL Members,

The first thing I would like to do is thank you to those that showed up at the Tuesday HS Board meeting. Our voices were heard and somewhat ignored. Only one of the board members voted no on accepting Savvas as the new book and curriculum for the coming high school year, that was Steve Hunt. Many excellent points were brought out by our speakers, but in the end the board gave greater credibility to the 12 teacher board that recommended acceptance of the Savvas curriculum. The book is riddled with inaccurate history and leans exclusively left. Even evaluations by students were about 9 to 1 against the book that are using it in other parts of the country. We spoke, we gave legitimate contradictions and opinions on what we feel should be done, and we were ignored. Our only accomplishment was getting them to sign a one year contract instead of a three and relook the Savvas curriculum.

They chose to take the teacher’s recommendation over the citizen’s. You wonder why the teachers would choose such a flawed history book? I just read an article that said there are 87 Democrat teachers to every 13 Republicans. Besides flooding our country with illegals to prop up the Democrat voting numbers we will push out a bunch of brain washed graduates to add their names to the Democrat candidate’s numbers.

Although some might not mind the slanted history, someday Republicans will be called the Jim Crow and Ku-Klux-Klan party. The Democrats already refer to those on the right as racist. Joe Biden has said as much when speaking to the country. I request each of you go to the HS website and email everyone but Steve Hunt how disappointed you are. Steve Hunt was the ONLY person to stand with honor, integrity and principle.


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Posts: 67
Joined: Tue May 02, 2023 2:29 am


Post by soldierboots »

Conservative Freedom Lovers,

Here’s an article from the Arizona Sun Times written by Rachel Alexander about our HS board adopting woke history books. Your attendance and speaking out gets attention. There was also an article in the Casa Grande Dispatch. We have another board meeting this Tuesday, August the 1st, at 6:30PM. Your support is always welcome. It will be held at 1362 N Casa Grande Ave.

https://arizonasuntimes.com/news/casa-g ... 023/07/30/

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